Friday, September 16, 2011


So today was our first day of the program and guess what we did? We drove or I drove me and Andrea all over Tulsa looking for volunteer opportunities. And we drove everywhere. It took us a couple hours to get started but when we finally got going it was not so bad. The bad part was taking pictures with all of our "new friends" that we had made. We went to organizations such as, Little light house, Meals on wheels, several elementary schools in the Union and Tulsa public school districts, and global gardens. The elementary schools received us the best. But after 6 hours of driving I was ready to be done. It was fun getting to know Andrea better, we argued about music and other dumb things. So I guess I see why Chris had us do this. We both got to know our city better and see it's needs while getting to know each other. So it was a good day, tomorrow is Saturday so it's my day off! so you won't hear from me until Sunday night. Till then god bless and enjoy the cool weather all ye tulsa and surrounding area residents!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the mission was accomplished. The journey is usually more meaningful than the outcome, I think...)
